Ciao, Iโ€™m Fede - I like to design, to explore and to make things. I'm driven by empathy, curiosity and teamwork.

As service and experience designer, I enjoy discovering and framing problems in order to highlight and shape opportunities. ๐Ÿ Resume: experiences and skills

The essence of my practice is making people's daily tasks and activities rewarding and painless. My higher purpose is supporting people and companies embracing more sustainable lifestyles and business models. ๐Ÿช„ My approach to design

I live in and love Cologne. I like forests, mountains, well told stories, hammocks, fountain pens and some other things. ๐Ÿง”๐Ÿป A bit more about me and contacts

Details and deliverables in the following projects may have been omitted or replaced with dummy ones, in commitment to NDAs.

AIFA Website

AIFA Website

There are projects where you can really feel the great value of service design being scalable and malleable. This was the one.

Whole App

Whole App

An app to help people improving their eating habits effortlessly, thanks to European health data, under a clear privacy statement

Rolls-Royce Flux

Rolls-Royce Flux

Bringing awareness and engagement to a global workforce, by redesign the in-site-displays information system of Rolls-Royce.